Over one million Americans already call Mexico home and as the Baby Boomers begin to retire, hundreds of thousands are planning to join them.
Safety and Security
According to the United Nations, you're 3 times more likely to be a victim of crime in the U.S. than you are in Mexico.
Recent FBI statistics state that the murder rate (per 100,000 people) in Baltimore is 43.3... in Washington DC it is 29.1...and in Detroit 47.3... But in Mexico, it is 13. There are certain areas in Los Angeles, Washington or Detroit that you should avoid. That's where the
crimes happen. Likewise there are isolated areas in Mexico (like parts of Mexico City and some areas along the border) that should be avoided.
Health Care
Government-funded health care uses the same high-tech medical procedures that are available in the U.S., but medical insurance only costs only $270 per year including medications, with no deductibles or co-pays. There are countless state-of-the-art hospitals and care homes being built for the aging baby boomers arriving from north of the border.
Low Cost of Living
A couple can live comfortably for well under $2,000 per month including a housekeeper. Utilities average one third of the cost in the U.S. You can get car insurance for less than $400 a year.
According to U.S. government figures, Mexico's economy moved ahead of Canada's last year, making it the 12th largest economy in the world. Business Week reported that Mexico's middle class has swelled to record levels and solid jobs provide security. Mexico is one of the world's largest oil exporters selling 1.7 billion barrels of oil to the U.S. each day.
Mexican stocks have outperformed U.S. stocks (as measured by S and P500) by 10-
This year, Mexico's government launched a 5-year, $250 billion program to build new highways, railways, airports and ports throughout the country. Mexico has a First-World infrastructure, including high-speed internet, mobile telephone networks, high-tech medicine, paved multi-lane freeways and much more.
This information was taken from a recent (September 08) issue of International Living magazine
Kim Barber RE/MAX Legacy Office 638 383-1425 US Office 602 334-4359US Landline 408 890-7806
KimJBarber@hotmail.com www.RockyPointKim.com
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