It's something I haven't really given much thought to since I moved to Rocky Point, bee stings. They're vital to life and who isn't grateful for them. But they've ruined more than one summer day.
Do wear light colored clothing, don't wear perfume, and use your head - don't provoke bees. But, if, despite your best efforts, you get stung. Don't tweeze the stinger out, as you could squeeze more poison into the wound. Instead, scrape the stinger out. Wash with soap and water, and then follow up with ice, topical anaesthetic and or an OTC product for pain.
Then, consider when is the last time you had a tetanus shot? Bees can carry tetanus - who'd have thought? Better to get that tetanus shot before you get stung. And maybe consider moving somewhere, where bee stings aren't a problem, some where like...... Puerto Penasco!
Kim Barber
RE/MAX Legacy
Office 638 383-1425
US Landline 408 890-7806
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