Well the most exciting event to happen around here lately was of course the Easter Sunday earthquake. At 7.2 it was the largest to hit Mexico since 2003, when a 7.6 struck offshore of Colina, killing 29 and leaving about 10,000 homeless. I'm glad to report that we fared much better, it was even an interesting experience.
I was on a sound, solid, cement, 2nd floor patio, it was rocking like a rowboat. It took a moment to realize I wasn't having bout of vertigo, a friend thought he was starting to have a heart attack - you just don't expect that it's the building that's moving, so your first reaction is to think you're about to have some kind of health crisis.
Luckily there were no health crisis here, nor crisis of any other kind. It seems the town and all the residents survived more or less unscathed! Unfortunately the folks in Mexicali weren't so lucky, click the attachment above to see some astounding shots.
San Andreas
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